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User manual 📕

Table of contents.

  1. Introduction
  2. Creating a new password
  3. Password editor
  4. Group editor
  5. Password picker
  6. Smart Stack widget
  7. Contact us


The first thing you see when you open Pinbook on your Apple Watch is the list of groups. We also refer to them as "tags". The purpose of this list is to allow you to organise your passwords by context. You can think about them as traditional folders or labels. You also can use the default "All Items" group and delete the rest of the groups.

List of groups

You are presented with the default "All Items" group on top followed by "Home" and "Work" groups. Each group can have a name, colour, and icon.

Groups are presented in alphabetical order. The default group on top is always present and can't be deleted. It contains every password. This allows you to delete "home", and "work" groups, without deleting your passwords.

Pressing on any of the groups displays passwords which belong to this group.

Reaching the end of the list presents the New Tag button. Use it for creating new groups.

Creating a new password.

Pinbook allows you to create new passwords and passcodes right on your Apple Watch.

Select the All Items group, then tap button to open the password editor.

Modal screen showing 2 tedt fields for password name and password itself, and a single generate button

You can either enter a password yourself or let Pinbook generate a new numeric passcode. To enter it yourself press on the second text field with the 1234 placeholder. To generate a new passcode, tap the Generate button.

Optionally assign a name for your password. Tap on the first text field with the Locker placeholder.

Optionally tap Browse Icons to assign a custom icon to your password, it's useful when looking up your passwords from the widget.

Once you are done, tap Save.

Password editor.

Tap on a password to change it.

Modal screen which appears on top of selected password, screenshot shows remove from home button, red remove button and share button

Tap Remove from... to remove a password from the selected group.

Delete a password by pressing on the red Remove... button.

Tap Share to share a password and its name.

Changes are saved automatically. Tap the back arrow to dismiss the editor.

Group editor.

On the first screen, tap button to open the editor.

Apple Watch with modal screen on top of the groups list, 1 text field wich says work, 2 buttons - browse icons and colours and remove

The editor appears on top of your groups allowing you to rename a group, assign a custom icon, and colour.

Tap Remove... to remove this group without deleting its passwords.

Password picker.

The password picker allows you to add new and existing passwords to a group.

Select a group, then tap Circular add button with a plus button to open the password picker.

Password picker

This screen shows a list of all the passwords which don't belong to a currently selected group. In the picture above you can see that a selected group contains all the passwords except the "Office Locker". Tapping "Office Locker" will add it to a selected group.

Tap New Password to create a new password or a passcode.

Tap on any of the passwords in the list to add it to the group.

Smart Stack widget.

Smart Stack is a new way of presenting the most relevant data from all of your Apple Watch apps as widgets. Opening Apple Watch apps can take some time, and you usually don't have that time in the heat of a moment.

Apple Watch Smart Stack showing Pinbook widget with 4 short passcodes.

We recommend adding at least one Pinbook widget to your Smart Stack. You can even add multiple widgets from a single application. For example, if you have 2 groups in Pinbook, you can add both of them as separate widgets.

To enter Smart Stack swipe from the bottom of your Apple Watch face, or rotate Digital Crown. Then use a long press to enter editing mode and add new widgets by pressing the + button. Find Pinbook in the list of suggested apps, and pick a group which you would like to add. You even can add the "All Items" group which contains all of your passwords. However because widgets are constrained in size, you only can see up to 6 passwords. When you going to have more passwords, organise them in groups.

Please refer to this handy guide from Apple — Use the Smart Stack to show timely widgets on Apple Watch.

Version 1.0, updated on 25 November 2023

Contact us.

We also offer support through email.